Working on Pictures with PhotoScape

Well punch me! I wrote at the last post that I would upload the results of my experiment with PhotoScape. But first, I would like to introduce you to this marvelous software. Tadaaaa!

PhotoScape is an open source computer program for editing and enhancing photos and other kind of pictures.  With PhotoScape, you can make the image more colorful, black and white, or even gloomier. Actually, some functions are similar with other programs such as saturation and brightness adjustment. However, this program provides more control on every its feature than other software I know.

Fiuh, this is my first-ever software review. Sorry for a bad review 😦

Now I will show you what it does to my pictures. For the first sample, I used the picture that I took last year in Kanazawa, Japan. The top of these two pictures is the original one, while the bottom is the edited version using PhotoScape.



Not really bad, huh? I think it’s more than just a ‘not really bad’, lol. Well, it might be a little too much in the saturation which results in the too-colorful picture. But I guess it captures the beauty of Kanazawa better than the original. Yes, this small city is beautiful. And this picture is just one side of the city.

Next picture is the view of snowfall that I took from room 315 of the NST Hall 5 Building, Kanazawa University. Gosh, I miss that room…



Take a look at how the program exposes the snows. It is really different from the original. I don’t remember whether it was the actual view that I saw or not, but all the things that now matter is the edited version captures the beauty of snowfall better than the original. Well, it wasn’t the best view of snowfall anyway. But I guess it’s still better than the stormy one. 😀

Another one? I’ll show you a different category of image: food.



One thing that I forgot to tell you. Since I left the original files of all pictures in my sister’s laptop, those images I used here were downloaded from my Facebook album. File compression changes the size of those pictures to 80 KB and 155 KB for first and second images respectively, while that delicious picture only have 67.7 KB in size. Now the size might answer your confusion of why the plate are full of yellow dots.

So that’s the cool part of this great open source software. I guess without any additional hyperbolic explanation from me, you already get what this software might does to your pictures. Just be caution. This program is so addicting that makes you want to try it on all of your old pictures.

Happy picture-editing!


Holiday.. Uugghhh…

Who doesn’t love holiday, especially on Friday or Monday. I used to love it. However, since I graduated and work in my lab, there seems no different whether it is a holiday or not. And honestly, I chose to keep coming to the lab, only if the building was unlocked.


Because I am working as a research assistant (RA) and a freelancer. My assignments are mostly based on project and deadline, so holiday won’t change anything, except the fact that I can’t use my marvelous computers on my lab desk.

Yeah, both a full-time and freelance/flexible-time worker have its own bitter-sweet sides. A holiday, especially on Friday, might be a blessing for a full-time worker. In another side, it gives no effect for a freelancer who mostly works on deadlines. Particularly for an RA, in my experience, it’s a boring day where I can’t enter my lab and continue my work there. It changes to be a gloomy moment when I’m on fire to work but never knew the holiday until someone post a Facebook status, “Ready for a long weekend”. Just like what I found yesterday in my innocence of ‘on fire’.

I guess I’ll pass my research-related work this weekend and continue the freelance assignment that I have to finish before April 2. What else can I do…

Ow yeah, have a little fun with PhotoScape, which I just knew yesterday from my lecturer. I think it will be a good idea if I post some results in this blog. Let see. Ah, a little fun might help me refreshing my mind. But first, I need to buy a breakfast outside though I feel a bit sleepy in this quite morning. Hungry and sleepy is not a beautiful collaboration. Well, maybe I need a holiday…

5.15 in the Morning

After more than a year not writing in any blog, it feels a little bit awkward to write in this blog. I am actually trying to revitalize this blog, from cleaning old posts, changing the theme, to trying widgets. I don’t know, I hope it will be a good start for me to write again in this blog.

Ah, this Sunday morning is just so quite. Accompanied by slow and deep songs, from Dido to All Saints, I try to also revitalize my spirit to write in this blog.

Whoops, I yawned. I guess back to bed for a couple of hours will not harm my blog writing motivation.